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How to Learn English?


When visiting the school, parents planning to send kids abroad or those whose mother tongue is not English often share the same concern: Will their kids adjust to the rigorous curriculum of international schools, particularly in an English-speaking environment? Whether children or adults, learning a language is a time-consuming process. Unlike traditional memorization, international schools can foster an immersive English atmosphere that helps students absorb and apply the language organically. Let's explore the language learning progress of Georgia's students!



Adapting to 

English Speaking Environment

at GSN




English Language Learners


Utilizing a research-based American language evaluation system, Georgia School provides in-school English bridging courses for students with developing foundational English, referred to as the English Language Learners program. Every week, students attend small-sized language sessions where qualified foreign teachers offer specialized instruction. Students at Georgia come from all over the world, including Sweden, South Korea, China, and other nations where English is not the official language. Initially speaking mostly in their home tongue with weak English proficiency, many kids adjust to an all-English classroom after a year of dedicated study in a rigorous English program.

乔治亚学校为基础薄弱的学生提供在校英语衔接课程,我们称之为英文强化课程(English Language Learners),采用美国本土的测评体系。学生每周参与一对几的超小班语言课,由专业的外籍老师进行针对性的辅导。乔治亚学生来自世界各地,包括一些母语非英语的国家,比如瑞典、韩国和中国。入学前,他们英语水平有限,主要以母语沟通,但不少孩子经过在英文强化课程一年的努力学习后,就能适应全英文的授课环境。


English First Policy


"Good morning! Mr. Cavon", the students say while meeting with Mr. Cavon, the head of Georgia School, as soon as they arrive at the school gate in the morning. Mr. Cavon knows each student and will greet students every morning and afternoon. When students arrive at the library, the kids use their fluency of English to communicate with Mr. Darren, the American librarian, about checking out and returning books. Mr. Darren is excited to suggest book lists in English for every grade level.

“Good morning!Mr. Cavon”,早上一踏进乔治亚大门,学生就主动地和美国校长打起了招呼。每天早晚,你几乎都能看到Cavon校长的身影,他认识这里的每一个学生,时而还会和孩子们聊一聊近况。一进到图书馆,孩子们熟练地使用英语与来自美国的图书管理员Mr. Darren老师交谈,借阅和归还书本。Darren老师也会热情地推荐各年级适合的原版英文书单。


Georgia School has implemented an "English first" policy, apart from one 45-minute Chinese class every day. It is also a standard requirement that even administrative and logistics teachers communicate with students in English. Our goal is to establish an immersive language environment inside and outside the classroom.



Immersion English Environment



All Qualified Foreign Teachers



The GSN teaching team comprises nearly 30 qualified foreign teachers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other English-speaking countries, with 50% holding advanced degrees. On average, GSN teachers possess 12 years of professional teaching experience. Some are graduates of top universities such as New York University, the University of Southern California, Johns Hopkins University, and Monash University.



While some schools hire foreign teachers as facilitators and collaborators, at Georgia, foreign teachers play even more significant roles. All homeroom teachers at primary and secondary schools are foreign teachers who teach, administer classes, and communicate directly with parents daily. They also manage departments and organize academic activities to ensure teaching methods and management systems align with American institutions.



International Students



At Georgia, it's like living in a miniature United Nations, with students from 25 different nations and regions, including the US, UK, France, Turkey, Brazil, and South Korea. We get to know many cultures, broaden our perspective on the world, and develop inclusiveness. The school hosts numerous extracurricular activities, campus events, and competitive academic programs in addition to an American curriculum. Students participate in these activities and courses taught by teachers, communicate in English regularly, and apply what they learn to a range of contexts.



Since each student is an individual, it is our duty as educators to identify their learning preferences while motivating them to study. Students cannot excel in an all-English classroom without Georgia's English Language Learners Program and a genuine language environment. Through their studies here, students from many nations who had a weak foundation in English have effectively mastered native and fluent English, paving the way for their academic journey.

每位学生是不同的个体,作为教育者,我们的责任是发现学生的学习方式,同时激发学习热情。乔治亚英文强化项目和纯正的语言环境对于学生在全英文教学环境中取得成功是必要的。来自不同国家、英语基础薄弱的学生通过在乔治亚的学习成功掌握地道、扎实的英语, 并以此为基础,继续探索学术的无限魅力。









