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上海闵行协和双语教科学子海外大学2023年四月录取快讯Jiaoke BC University offers of 20

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上海闵行协和双语教科学子海外大学四月录取快讯Jiaoke BC University offers of 2023


As we get into April, Jiaoke G12 students have stronger taste of graduation season. At this moment, students have received more university offers. So far, as students of the BC offshore school, G12 students have received a total number of of 81 oofers from the University of Toronto, breaking the records of UT offers we ever had. Moreover, 70% of BC graduates have been admitted to the top 50 universities in the world. It is worth mentioning that they have also great achievements in art, music, designing and other art sections.



By April 20th,  89 G12 students of the Jiaoke BC program have received a total number of 411 offers from oversea universities all over the world, including 232 offers from the top 100 universities, 168 offers from the top 50 universities. The majors are distributed in all five major fields such as engineering, science, business, liberal arts, and art. 



We have achieved satisfactory results in art areas. In the field of music, we have received offers from the prestigious colleges such as Berklee College of Music, MI College of Contemporary Music and Los Angeles College of Music. Berkeley ranks the first in the world in the field of pop music and the music industry. Wherever there is sound, there are Berkeley graduates, which won the nicknames of "Grammyawards cradle"  and “Ever Victorious Army”. In the field of fine arts, our students have received an offer from Sherdan College, which is the most famous art school in Canada, ranking the first in the world in animation majors. Many outstanding animation directors graduated from Sherdan College such as Dean Debros of How to Train Your Dragon 2.


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本文标题:上海闵行协和双语教科学子海外大学2023年四月录取快讯Jiaoke BC University offers of 20









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