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常州威雅丨累计311份录取!2023届毕业生最新升学速递 University Offers Update

发布时间:2023-05-27 16:07:07 人气: 作者:admin 人已围观本文有578个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟

常州威雅丨累计311份录取!2023届毕业生最新升学速递 University Offers Update


University Offers Update May 2023


The journey of advancing in education is the finest rite of passage.



After navigating the complex application process, making countless deliberations and compromises, and enduring the anxious, uneasy waiting period, we are delighted to witness the Class of 2023 emerge from their cocoons. Here, we would like to share the current status of admissions with everyone.



University Offer Updates May 2023



Our G12 students have received a total of 311 offers from major universities around the world.



85% of the students have been accepted into top 100 universities by QS ranking.



35% of the students have been accepted into top 20 universities by QS ranking.


01 问鼎全球名校


Striving for the World's Most Prestigious Universities



Students from WASCZ have achieved admissions to prestigious institutions such as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London, the University of Manchester, Durham University, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Birmingham, the University of Warwick, the University of Leeds, the University of Bristol, the University of the Arts London, the Royal Northern College of Music, and more.



Some of them are heading to the United States, pursuing their education at renowned institutions like the University of California, Santa Barbara (known as the "Public Ivy"), Ohio State University, New York School of Visual Arts, Pratt Institute, Savannah College of Art and Design, Los Angeles Music Academy, and MI Modern Music Institute, as they pursue their artistic or musical dreams.



Among them, some have received admissions to universities in Canada such as the University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, Queen's University, and more. Others have secured places at Australian universities like the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne, the University of New South Wales, and the University of Queensland. Additionally, there are students who will be attending the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.



Furthermore, our school will have students attending the world's oldest and most prestigious international hotel management institution, the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, located in Switzerland.

02 照亮音乐/艺术之路


Illuminating the Path of Music and Art



In the field of music and art, which are beloved by our students, students have received a total of 75 professional offers. Among them, 25 offers come from specialized music or art institutions, accompanied by substantial scholarships.



Music direction: Royal Northern College of Music, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Leeds College of Music, Los Angeles Music Academy, MI Modern Music Institute (USA), and British and Irish Modern Music Institute (BIMM).

WASCZ Music and Art


Art direction: University of the Arts London, British and Irish Modern Music Institute, University for the Creative Arts, Norwich University of the Arts, New York School of Visual Arts, Pratt Institute, California College of the Arts, Savannah College of Art and Design (USA), and more.


03  90+申请专业百花齐放

覆盖人文理工艺术 成全每一种热爱

A diverse array of majors in the application process



WASCZ is dedicated to providing students with a wide range of course choices, allowing them to pursue their dreams and passions to the fullest.



This year, the university admissions our students have received cover over a hundred different majors, including fields such as architecture, materials science, global sustainable development, biomedical science, automotive engineering, astrophysics, economics and finance, computer science, astrophysics, digital media, hospitality management, drama and performance, illustration, music production, animation, fashion design, and many more.


We hope that our students, as they embark on their journey into a broader world, will continue to embrace life with dedication, defining themselves through their thoughts and actions. We eagerly anticipate further good news to come, and we will be thrilled to share all our students' final study destinations with you in August.


本文标题:常州威雅丨累计311份录取!2023届毕业生最新升学速递 University Offers Update









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