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首页> 大学升学率> 上海青浦区协和双语2024届高中毕业生升学喜报更新......


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Thus far, the graduating class of 2024 from our high school has received a total of 2 interview invitations and 5 offers from universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. This includes 1 interview invitation from the University of Oxford, 1 from Imperial College London, 2 offers from the University of Manchester, 1 from the University of Warwick, and 2 from the University of Melbourne. More offers are still being issued, and we will provide timely updates.


Shanghai United International School Qingpu Campus (SUIS Qingpu), founded in 2019, is an independent school and one of 13 campuses in China within the non-profit Xiehe Education Group. The school provides co-educational day and boarding programmes for students from primary through to Grade 12 (Primary School: Grades 1-5; Middle School: Grades 6-8; High School, Grades 9-12). SUIS Qingpu advocates an “East Meets West” education with its vision to be “the future of education, in service to the world.


青浦协和高中部教师团队逾40人,76%以上的中外教师拥有硕士及以上学历,中外教比例接近1:1, 50%的教师拥有5-10年,25%的教师拥有11-20年的A Level、IB等国际课程的教育教学经验。


Our diverse teaching team in high school is comprised of 50 certified and experienced teachers from eight different countries, a testament to our ethos of ‘Unity in Diversity, Innovation through Collaboration’.

The student-teacher ratio in the high school is 5:1 with an average class size for subject lessons of 10 to 12 students. We offer a robust co-curricular activity (CCA) programme with over 30 activities for students to choose from. 80% of our high school students are members of our boarding programme.


青浦协和一直致力于提供以国家核心课程框架下的中西融合课程,在满足培养学生核心素养的同时,也为学生多元化的申请做好学术、心理及社交上的准备。我们为15-16岁的学生提供六大领域多达15门的IGCSE课程,学生可根据自己的实际情况选择5-8门IGCSE科目,平衡广泛的学习,充分涉猎不同学科。为16-18岁的学生提供15门A Level课程,学生可以聚焦自己学术兴趣,根据未来专业选择和职业规划,选择3-4门A Level课程,为大学申请充分做好学术上的准备。




As evidenced through our SUIS Qingpu Learner Profile, we emphasize the importance of maintaining ‘balance’ in all that we do. Thus, we aim to develop well-balanced students who strive for academic excellence, act with integrity, and exhibit the highest moral values as responsible and aware citizens, empowered to be future leaders with Chinese roots and global wings.

This ‘balance’ can also be experienced through our curriculum, which is comprised of a progressively focused and intensive academic programme where students engage with externally-examined courses, combined with a variety of non-examined subjects such as the arts, humanities, and physical education.

Grade 9 and 10 students participate in a broad set of externally examined subjects through International General Certificate in Secondary Education (IGCSE) courses, studying at least eight subjects in across six different disciplines. This breadth enables students to explore and refine their academic interests.

In Grades 11 and 12, they then focus on at least three subjects through Advanced Level (A Level) courses based on their academic interests, strengths and career planning. We encourage students to go deeper in the subjects they are interested in, particularly those they eventually wish to pursue at college and university.

SUIS Qingpu also offers a “Super-curricular Programme”, a research-based project for enhancing their subject learning. Regarded as a Distinction course, this opportunity provides an individualized programme for students who have particular talents and wish to go deeper in one academic area.











  • 专注服务6-12年级
  • 专注沪上国际学校备考
  • 专业择校建议
  • 个性化备考方案
  • 分层授权提分科学
  • 良好院校关系