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Natural Sciences at Churchill

Natural Sciences is the framework within which most science ‘subjects’ are taught at Cambridge.

Natural Sciences offers both physical and biological scientists a unique and demanding course that combines a broad first year with increasing specialisation in the second year and total specialisation in the third and, in some disciplines, fourth years.

Churchill has a mission in science and technology. It emphasises the diverse range of options available to natural scientists from the outset.


Fitzwilliam College:

Fitzwilliam College is a dynamic, welcoming international community committed to developing the talents of all its 750 undergraduate and postgraduate students. One of 31 Cambridge colleges, it was founded in 1869 specifically to broaden access to the University of Cambridge.

This is also a forward-looking place, consistent with the College's motto of 'The Best of the Old and the New'. Most of its award-winning buildings date from the 1960s onwards, including some of the best student accommodation in Cambridge, a state-of-the-art auditorium and the Olisa Library.



牛津大学(University of Oxford)  ,简称“牛津”(Oxford),位于英国牛津,是一所公立研究型大学,采用传统学院制。牛津大学是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角名校”和“G5”之一。牛津大学是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构。


About  Physics

Physics is concerned with the study of the universe from the smallest to the largest scale: it is about unravelling its complexities to discover the way it is and how it works.

Discoveries in physics have formed the foundation of countless technological advances and play an important role in many scientific areas. Many techniques used in medical imaging, nanotechnology and quantum computing are derived from physics instrumentation. Even the World Wide Web was a spin-off from the information processing and communications requirements of high-energy particle physics.

The contributions of physics to solving global problems such as energy production, environmental protection, global warming and public health are essential and have an enormous impact on our society.


About the course

Mathematicians have always been fascinated by numbers. One of the most famous problems is Fermat’s Last Theorem:

if n≥3, the equation xn+yn=zn has no solutions with x, y, z all nonzero integers.

An older problem is to show that one cannot construct a line of length 3√2 with ruler and compass, starting with a unit length.

Often the solution to a problem will require you to think outside its original framing. This is true here, and while you will see the second problem solved in your course, the first is far too deep and was famously solved by Andrew Wiles.

In applied mathematics we use mathematics to explain phenomena that occur in the real world. You can learn how a leopard gets its spots, explore quantum theory and relativity, or study the mathematics of stock markets.











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